Keeping you safe with Coronavirus 

Work out mean…but keep it clean at WRK 365

Keeping you safe with Coronavirus 

At WRK 365 the health and wellbeing of our guests and team members is our number one priority.

At WRK 365 we want to keep you active and safe. In light of the current coronavirus situation we are continuously monitoring and adapting our approach to ensure that our gym meets current government guidelines so that you can work towards your fitness goals and feel safe with us while doing it.

We have a strict cleaning and sanitizing regime to ensure that our gym and equipment is cleaned throughout the day. So whether you’re the first one in or the last one out, you can feel confident that we have taken all precautions to make this a safe and hygienic environment for you.


How we are keeping you safe?

  • We have ehanced cleaning measures around the gym to ensure that equipment and the studio is kept as clean and safe for your use
  • The gym has been designed to ensure there is a safe distance between equipment so that you and the rest of the WRK 365 team are socially distanced during your sessions
  • We have a booking in policy which means we can ensure there is no overcrowding. Not only can we ensure social distancing is observed but it also means no fighting for the equipment.

How can you help...

  • Please wash your hands regularly with soap and water whilst working out with us and sanitize your hands before entering and when leaving the gym
  • There are a number of sanitizing stations at your disposal around the gym for you to keep your kit clean
  • Please use the paper towels and spray provided to clean machines and kit at the start of your work out and once you’ve finished
  • We know how tempting it is to give your friends a fist bump or a hug, but please remember to keep a safe distance whilst working out with us to keep yourself and others safe
  • We can’t wait to see you, but if you or anyone you are in contact with is feeling unwell or showing symptoms of coronavirus we ask you to seek medical advice and ensure you self isolate if necessary before coming back to train with us

If you have any questions, feel free to have a chat with us in person or via phone or email.