
At WRK 365 we are proud to support local charities and organisations who help build and give back to our local communities.


At WRK 365 we are proud to support local charities and organisations who help build and give back to our local communities.

Your health and wellbeing is what drives us and we understand how important it is to make an active lifestyle part of your everyday life from a young age. We are commited to supporting other organisations who have the same vision as us.

We would love to support more local sports teams and charities. Please get in contact if you would like to partner with us.

Carshalton Athletic 

As part of our community drive to support an active lifestyle we now sponsor
Carshalton Athletic under 13s, a community club which is one of the largest of its kind in the UK which reinvests sponsorship funding into it’s facilities.


Royal Mail

We donated  Fitbits for a charitable get moving step challenge to Royal Mail to raise money for cancer research and motivate their staff.

They achieved:

  • 27 MILLION steps since we started – that’s roughly 14,000 miles – similar to walking around the coastline of the UK – TWICE!

  • 24 MILLION steps taken by the 21 teams

  • Raised over £2,000 for Cancer Research (including Gift Aid) 

So a huge well done to everyone who has got involved and congratulations to our top 3 teams – drum roll please:

  1. Charlene and her ESS Steppers

  2. Tara and her Drinkabelles

  3. Tara and her Manchester Meercats